
Concord Academy Daycare strives to provide loving, safe, and nurturing childcare services for infants from 6 weeks of age to 4 years of age. Our goal is to provide high quality, developmentally appropriate, curriculum-based childcare for children up to 4 years of age with a focus on their social, cognitive, physical, and emotional growth.

At age 4 Concord Academy welcomes the daycare families to become part of the Academy’s K4  program.  Concord Academy is accredited through ACTS and Cognia.  Concord Academy  provides Christ-centered  educational opportunities through twelfth grade.

Daycare Hours

Monday - Friday

6:00am - 6:00pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
10 hour per day regulation 

Daycare Program Details

  • Year Round Operation

  • Open Enrollment

  • High Quality Security and Video Surveillance

  • Educated and Trained Teachers and Staff

  • Full Time Care - 10 Hours per Day

  • Lunch as well as morning and afternoon snacks are provided

  • Bob Jones University Pathways to Preschool Curriculum

  • Daily Outdoor Play

  • Weekly Chapel for 3 Year Olds

  • Partnerships with Soccer Shots and Cabarrus Health Alliance

Guidelines & Tuition

Room Age Guidelines:

Infants: 6 weeks–15 months (4 classes)

One Year Olds: 12–24 months (5 classes)

Two Year Olds: 25-36 months (5 classes)

Three Year Olds: 37-48 months (4 classes)


To enroll in the daycare please fill out the form located below. You will be contacted to schedule a tour and given a registration packet. If you need help or have questions, please give us a call 704-793-4750 or email the Concord Academy’s Daycare Director, Dr. Michelle Edwards at